Thursday, December 30, 2010

Creamy Chicken, Potato and Orzo Soup

SO good, and so much fun to make!

Creamy (Dark-Meat) Chicken, Potato and Orzo Soup

(serves 4)
Here's what you need:

3TB butter (or olive oil, or a combo)

1 med sweet onion
1 clove garlic
3-4 large carrots
4-5 celery stalks
2-3 lbs on-bone chicken thighs, legs or wings, or a combo
2 cups tap-hot water
1 cup chicken broth

3 large or 5-6 small potatoes: red, gold or white (don't matter)
1 cup dry orzo or rice
3/4 cup heavy cream

fresh rosemary
fresh thyme
bay leaf

A loaf of nice, crusty Italian bread

large stockpot


Here's what you do:

Peel and cut the onion into 1/8s, so you have big chunk pieces.  Peel and cut each garlic piece in half.  

Rinse and peel the carrots, rinse and cut the ends off the celery, and set aside half of each for later.  Cut the remaining carrots and celery stalks in half, crosswise.

Rinse the chicken parts in cold water.  I don't know why; my parents always did.  Oh, and leave the skin on.

Put a large stockpot on the stove and turn it to medium.  Add the butter, and let it get nice and hot, starting to bubble.  Add the onion, garlic, carrots and celery, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and cover.  Saute for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onion gets translucent.

Add the chicken parts, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Saute on medium, covered, for about 5 minutes.  Flip the chicken, and brown for 5 more minutes.

Slowly add hot water and chicken broth.  The exact amount of water is not important; just make sure all the pieces are covered.  Add rosemary, thyme, bay leaf, basil and oregano, sprinkle again with salt and pepper, and stir.  Turn up to med-high and cover until pot starts to bubble, about 7 minutes.  Then reduce to low, cover, and allow to simmer for 60-90 minutes, stirring occasionally.  

While that's cooking, peel 80% of the skin from the potatoes, and then chop into bite-size pieces.  Also chop the remaining carrots and celery into bite-size pieces.

After 60-90 minutes, remove veggies from stockpot, and leave aside to cool a bit.  Then remove chicken parts and leave aside to cool. 

Strain stock through colander into a clean bowl, and place aside for a few minutes, to allow fat to rise to the top.  Rinse stockpot and return to stove.  If desired, skim excess yellow fat off top of the stock with a small spoon.  Only do this if there is really a thick layer of fat and it seems excessive.  Don't take all of it; remember fat=flavor.

Return stock to pot, and turn on heat to medium-high.  Add potatoes.  At low-boil, add raw veggies, turn down to med-low, and cover.

Remove chicken from bones, and cut into bite size pieces.  Hopefully the meat is falling off the bone, and this part is making your mouth water.  Chop cooked veggies into smaller pieces.  These are just tasty extras.

Put a loaf of nice, crusty Italian bread in the oven to warm up...

When the potatoes and veggies have had 20-30 minutes by themselves, add the chicken and cooked veggies back into the mix, and then add the orzo and stir.  Cover, and let simmer on low 20-30 more minutes.  

At dinner time, turn off the heat, and slowly add heavy cream while stirring.  Serve immediately with bread.


Please feel free to add comments, questions and suggestions.  I would love to know your own variations!

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