Thursday, December 9, 2010

No-Knead Bread #2

So this is the dough that started with what was left over in the bowl unscraped from my no-knead bread a few days ago.  When I made the dough it looked like this:

And only about 4 hours later, it had already doubled:

I still left it sitting on the counter overnight, lightly covered in wax paper, and grew just a bit more over the next 8 hours:

I floured a cutting board, shaped the dough into a ball, and dusted the top:

And covered it with a bowl:

This time, instead of letting it rest for 30, I let it go for about 75 minutes.  Hey, I got stuff to do.  As you can imagine, when I removed the bowl, it was stuck, and I had a huge mound of dough:

I don't know why, but I was determined to bake it all into one loaf, so I stuffed it into the hot loaf pan:

And 30 minutes later, I had a monstrosity:

A delicious,



1 comment:

  1. hi Jeff,
    i love homemade bread, knowing exactly what ingredients were used is so important! great job on this!

