Thursday, December 9, 2010

Maryland Poised to Approve Same-Sex Marriage

The Maryland State Senate bucked the GOP-friendly trend seen in other states in the 2010 midterm election, with Democrats adding two seats.  Now, for the first time, a majority of Senators sitting on the crucial Judicial Proceedings Committee, on which Democratic gains in the full chamber earn them an extra seat, say they support enacting legislation allowing marriage between members of the same sex.  The Washington Post has more today.

While a GOP filibuster is likely, Senate President Thomas Miller, Jr (D-Calvert), who opposes marriage equality, says he will do all he can to bring the measure to a floor vote.  "I believe every important issue should be voted on by the full chamber at least once," he said.

"We've been on the razor's edge in terms of passage the last couple of years, and these election results create a healthy, pro-marriage majority in the General Assembly," said Sen. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Montgomery), a committee member who supports same-sex unions.

When the General Assembly convenes next month, Democrats will hold 35 of 47 seats in the Senate and 98 of 141 seats in the House of Delegates. 

I'm proud of my home state, and I hope they do the right thing.  If you live in Maryland, find out if your representatives support equality, and if they don't, please call or write to them.  Thanks for your help.

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